Curriculum Vitae
*Last updated 10/20/2023*
PhD Psychology – Oregon State University (Sep 2020 – Expected June 2024)
Emphasis in Engineering Psychology | Advisor: Dr. Mei-Ching Lien
Dissertation Title: Does Suppressing a Feature Require Salience? Evidence for Distractor-based Suppression
M.S. Psychology – Oregon state University (June 2022)
Emphasis in Engineering Psychology | Advisor: Dr. Mei-Ching Lien
Thesis Title: Attention Capture in Visual Search: The Effects of Individual Visual Working Memory Capacity and Gaming Experience
M.S. Psychology – University of Idaho (Dec 2016)
Emphasis in Human Factors Psychology | Advisor: Dr. Steffen Werner
B.A. Psychology – Rowan University (May 2014)
Advisor: Dr. Bonnie Angelone
A.A. Psychology – Rowan College of South Jersey (May 2012)
Research Experience
Attention and Performance Lab
Oregon State University | Sep 2020 – Present
Core research focus on the interaction between visual working memory and attention capture
Studying individual differences between video game players and non-players
Evaluating technology usage as it relates to cognitive capacity
Conducting studies related to visual suppression of distractor stimuli
Cognition and Usability Lab
University of Idaho | Sep 2014 – Dec 2016
Developed research methods for testing screen reader alternatives
Experimented on the use of sound arrays to navigate the web
Studied retrospective think aloud protocols using eye tracking
Researched participant performance when inputting passwords into different visual displays
Studied how performance changed with different input devices and altered target sizes
Altered passwords to test for image memorability and performance differences
Cognition Lab
Rowan University | Sep 2012 - May 2014
Designed and conducted experiments that tested cognitive benefits of video games
Examined difference between video game and non-video game players during visual attention
Tested for individual differences using the change blindness paradigm
Hauck, C., Tolomeo, D., Ruthruff, E., & Lien, M.-C. (in preparation). On preventing capture: Still no evidence for greater suppression with greater color singleton salience.
Hauck, C., Ruthruff, E., & Lien, M.-C. (in preparation). Early-trial capture effect: Is capture driven by saliency or by surprise?
Hauck, C., Ruthruff, E., & Lien, M.-C. (Under Review). Proactive suppression is an implicit process that cannot be summoned on demand.
Hauck, C., Ruthruff, E., & Lien, M. -C. (2023). On preventing capture: Does greater salience cause greater suppression? Attention, perception, & psychophysics, 10.3758/s13414-023-02694-5. Advance online publication.
Burgess, E., Hauck, C., De Pooter, E., Ruthruff, E., & Lien, M. -C. (2022). Do salient abrupt onsets trigger suppression? Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 85(3), 634-638.
Hauck, C., Lien, M. -C., & Ruthruff, E. (2022) Does superior visual working memory capacity enable greater distractor suppression? Visual Cognition, 30(8), 573-586.
Hauck, C., & Lien, M.-C. (2022). The role of visual working memory capacity in attention capture among video game players. Psychological research, 86(7), 2128-2143.
Lien, M.-C., Ruthruff, E., & Hauck, C. (2021). On preventing attention capture: Is singleton suppression actually singleton suppression?. Psychological research, 86(6), 1958-1971.
9. Ruthruff, E., Hauck, C., & Lien, M.-C. (2021). What do we know about suppression of attention capture. Visual Cognition, 29(9), 604-607.
Werner, S., Hauck, C., & Masingale, M. (2016). Password entry times for recognition-based graphical passwords. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 60(1), 755–759.
Werner, S., Hauck, C., Roome, N., Hoover, C., & Choates, D. (2015). Can VoiceScapes assist in menu navigation? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 59(1), 1095–1099.
Conference Presentations
Presentations marked with a * were given as spoken presentations.
*Hauck, C., Ruthruff, E., & Lien, M.-C. (2023). Proactive suppression is an implicit process that cannot be summoned on demand. Paper to be presented at the 64th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society.
Hauck, C., Tolomeo, D., Ruthruff, E., & Lien, M.-C. (2023). On preventing capture: Still no evidence for greater suppression with greater color singleton salience. Poster to be presented at the 64th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society.
*Wyman, A., Breuer, H., Hauck, C., Weber, J., & Hurwitz, D. (2023). Interfacing pedestrians, automated vehicles, and connected infrastructure: A novel application for resolving right-of-way conflicts. Presented at the 27th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Yokohama, Japan.
*Ruthruff, E., Hauck, C., & Lien, M.-C. (2022) Are color singletons powerful or powerless? Assessing capture in the Absence of Suppression. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society.
*Hauck, C., Ruthruff, E., & Lien, M.-C. (2022). Suppression with more than one distractor: Evidence for the distractor-based suppression view. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society.
Hauck, C., Lien, M.-C., & Ruthruff, C. (2022). Does superior visual working memory capacity enable greater distractor suppression? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society.
Burgess, E., Hauck, C., De Pooter, E., Ruthruff, E., & Lien, M.-C. (2022). Do Salient Abrupt Onsets Trigger Suppression? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society.
*Lien, M.-C., Ruthruff, E., & Hauck, C. (2021). On preventing attention capture: Is singleton suppression actually singleton suppression? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society.
Burgess, E., Hauck, C., & Lien, M.-C. (2021). Navigating Zoom: The effect of individual working memory capacity and cognitive load. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society.
Hauck, C., & Lien, M.-C. (2021). The role of visual working memory capacity in attention capture among video game players. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society.
Hauck, C., Cohen, M., Dembiec, B., & Angelone, B. (2014). A gamer’s worst nightmare: Does frustration impact their enhanced visual attention? Poster presented at the 85th Annual Eastern Psychological Association Conference. Boston, MA
Professional Experience
Researcher Intern
Riot Games | June 2023 – Sept 2023
Conducted research to inform the development of features and systems in the game VALORANT
Designed a national survey and analyzed resulting data to understand user behavior
Conducted usability sessions and focus groups to test features and collect feedback
Associate User Experience Researcher
Blizzard Entertainment | Feb 2017 – Sept 2020
Researched participant performance on Blizzard products
Evaluated error rates, task success, and time on task for participant performance
Created and administered global surveys to targeted demographics
Conducted usability testing of both internal and external products
Collaborated with the Game User Research team to run playtest sessions
Used research findings to improve future participant performance and products
User Experience Intern
Blizzard Entertainment | May 2016 - Aug 2016
Conducted user research on incoming customer support contacts
Identified misclassification of customer issues compared to business goals
Recruited for and moderated a card sort to discover user mental models
Interpreted card sort data using OptimalSort and cluster analysis
Evaluated Blizzard’s contact process with competitive analysis and heuristic evaluation
Recommended new information architecture based on research findings
User Experience Intern
Blizzard Entertainment | May 2015 - Dec 2015
Worked in the redesign of Blizzard’s customer support website
Analyzed global customer survey to divulge user needs and preferences
Created personas based on data and insight from user research
Sketched, wireframed, and created prototypes of new site designs based on research
Teaching Experience
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Oregon State University Sept 2020 – Present
· Instructor of Record
PSY 201 – General Psychology (In-person and Remote)
· Graduate Teaching Assistant
o PSY 298 – Quantitative Methods in Psychological Science
o PSY 411 – Psychology Capstone
o PSY 340 – Cognitive Psychology
Graduate Teaching Assistant
University of Idaho Sept 2014 – Dec 2016
· Instructor of Record
COMM 101 – Fundamentals of Oral Communication
Guest Lectures
*-Denotes lectures scheduled with faculty to be given during the current academic term.
*Quantitative Methods in Psychological Science – “Regression Analysis”
An introduction to regression analysis focused on linear regression and topics including model fitting, output interpretation, and practical application.
*Thinking Like a Psychological Scientist – “Psychology and Product Design”
Discussed the role of a psychology researcher within an industry product design team, with emphasis on how company goals drive research initiatives and case studies of interactions between researchers, designers, and stakeholders.
*Psychology Capstone – “Graduate School and Job Application Interviews”
Will lead mock interviews to prepare psychology undergraduate students for graduate school or job applications.
Research Methods in Psychological Science – “Introduction to Qualtrics”
Introduced honors psychology students to Qualtrics, including survey and question creation, distribution methods, and logic implementation.
Cognitive Psychology – “Working memory and Cognitive Workload”
Presented an overview of cognitive load theory, working memory, and implications for human performance, including discussion on expertise and expert performance within an expert’s domain.
General Psychology – “Human Factors”
Presented an overview of the field of human factors, including case studies, research topics, methods, and an in-class demonstration of usability testing.
Awards and Honors
2nd Place - International Student Safety Technology Design Competition
27th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles
Grants and Funding
Student Safety Technology Design Competition: $3000
Awarded By: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Funds awarded to Oregon State University student team for the research and development of a safety technology
Lumen Learning Teaching Grant: $500
Awarded By: Lumen Learning
Funds awarded for the enrollment and completion of a teaching enhancement program
Professional Service
Ad Hoc Journal Reviewer
Journal of Cognition
Frontiers in Cognition
Experimental Aging Research
Editorial Board
Frontiers in Cognition
Jolie O’Dell – Psychology PhD Student – Studying attention capture and suppression
Emile De Pooter – Psychology Major – 2021-2022 Research Scholarship Award recipient
Dominick Tolomeo – Computer Science Major – Studying spatial visual suppression
Noah Sorseth – Psychology Major – Studying Auditory cue suppression
Megan Griffin – Psychology Major – Visual working memory and attention capture
Technical Skills
Survey Design:
Survey Gizmo
Survey Monkey
Data Analysis:
R Studio
Programming Languages:
Organization Affiliations
Psychonomic Society
Oregon State University | Sep 2020 – Present
Human Factors and Ergonomic Society
University of Idaho, Oregon State University | Sep 2014 – Dec 2016, Sept 2020 – Present
Eastern Psychological Association
Rowan University | Spring 2014
Psi Chi Honor Society
Rowan University | Spring 2014
Psychology Club
Rowan University | Sep 2012 – May 2014
Treasurer, 2013 – 2014
Workshops and Training
Causality in Minds and Machines: Probing the Mathematical and Computational Foundations
Society for Mathematical Psychology | November 16, 2023
Data Science in the Tidyverse
R Studio Conference | 2018